Wrestling With God

This morning in my devotions and prayer, something came out of my mouth that stunned me and actually kind of made me a little afraid. Yet, I repeated it again. I told God that I would like to wrestle him like Jacob did. I have been so frustrated lately in my walk with God because... Continue Reading →

My New Adventure

For the past year, I would often think about getting back into motorcycling. but didn't know if I wanted to invest in another one or not.   I grew up riding my cousins dirt bike a little bit, but mostly sat on the back.  My mom would never let me buy a motorcycle, but she did... Continue Reading →

Struggling with Guilt

I am really struggling inside with how to divide my time between things I want to do, and the things that I need to do. Back in the day when I did not work full time, it wasn't hard to lay out a plan of action, but now that I work full time with an... Continue Reading →

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